Karta pracy Angielski
Kolorowy Start
Cele: Powtarzanie piosenki We like Poland Chant. Wykonanie karty pracy w książce KOLOROWY START.
Zabawa 1.
Poznanie piosenki We like Poland Chant. Drodzy rodzice odtwarzamy dzieciom piosenkę i wykonujemy czynności z dziećmi, o których mowa w piosence:
Logowanie na stronie wydawnictwa w celu wysłuchania nagrania:
Po zalogowaniu na stronie wkleić link do programu:
https://www.mac.pl/edukacja-przedszkolna/piosenki-kolorowystart#ksang - CD 2 numer 26
We like Poland Chant.
If you like Poland and you know it, clap your hands!
If you like Poland and you know it, clap your hands!
If you like Poland and you know it, ride a bike!
If you like Poland and you know it, ride a bike!
If you like Poland and you know it, sing and dance!
If you like Poland and you know it, sing and dance!
If you like Poland and you know it, swim in the sea!
If you like Poland and you know it, swim in the sea!
If you like Poland and you know it, run in the park!
If you like Poland and you know it, run in the park!
If you like Poland and you know it, play with a ball!
If you like Poland and you know it, play with a ball!
If you like Poland and you know it, read a book!
If you like Poland and you know it, read a book!
If you like Poland and you know it, jump up high!
If you like Poland and you know it, jump up high!
If you like Poland and you know it, and you really want to show it,
If you like Poland and you know it, jump up high!
Zadanie 2.
Karta pracy (Worksheet) STRONA 42. KOLOROWY START
Cut out and glue the elements. Make a postcard from Poland.
Dzieci wycinają elementy obrazka z wycinanki i przykleją je do karty, aby stworzyć swoją widokówkę.